
Blockchain technology digitizes information, captures it in a decentralized system and convey it in a secure way. For the seafood industry, this provides an enhanced opportunity for a transparent and trustworthy supply chain. The National Fisheries Institute’s members understand that trust and transparency are critical in a global seafood economy. Beginning June 10, 2019, NFI has an exclusive partnership with IBM’s Food Trust to offer a suite of Blockchain subscription services to our members and their partners. NFI Members receive a 15% discount. Since Blockchain is still new for the seafood industry, the Seafood Industry Research Foundation (SIRF) has funded a pilot program to test how IBM’s Food Trust can help seafood businesses generate revenue and reduce costs, from harvest to distributing to customers. To ensure proper registration with IBM via NFI (for both Members and their supplier community) complete the attached NFI/IBM Food Trust Registration and Referral Form. Please download form and email to